



英単語 日本語訳 例文
Prolific 多作な、豊かな The prolific author published three novels this year alone.


Defer 延期する、先送りにする The company decided to defer the project until next quarter.


Quaint 古風で趣のある The quaint village was a popular destination for tourists seeking a peaceful getaway.


Conundrum    難問、難題 The team faced a conundrum when trying to balance innovation with

budget constraints.


Rescind 撤回する、取り消す The CEO decided to rescind the previous decision regarding layoffs.


Bolster 強化する、支援する The government introduced new policies to bolster the economy during the recession.


Eschew 避ける、控える He eschews fast food in favor of healthier, home-cooked meals.


Cajole 説得する、甘言で操る She managed to cajole her colleagues into volunteering for the event.


Ubiquity 至る所に存在する The ubiquity of smartphones has changed the way people communicate globally.



Adroit 巧みな、器用な She was adroit at managing multiple projects simultaneously.


Salient 重要な、顕著な The report highlighted the most salient points for discussion in the meeting.


Amicable 友好的な、平和的な Despite the tough negotiations, the two sides reached an amicable agreement.


Altruism 利他主義 Her altruism was evident in her dedication to volunteering at the local shelter.



Vilify 中傷する、悪口を言う The media was quick to vilify the politician after the scandal broke.


Pertinent 適切な、関連のある The manager asked the employee to only include pertinent information in the report.



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