



英単語 日本語訳 例文
Runny Nose 鼻水 I have a runny nose and keep needing tissues.


Congestion 鼻づまり I’m feeling congested and can’t breathe through my nose.


Sore Throat 喉の痛み My sore throat is making it hard to swallow.


Cough I have a persistent cough that won’t go away.


Sneezing くしゃみ I keep sneezing every few minutes.


Headache 頭痛 I have a headache and it’s hard to concentrate.


Fever 発熱 I’m running a fever of 100.4°F.

( 38°Cの発熱があります。)

Chills 寒気 I’m experiencing chills even though I’m bundled up.


Fatigue 倦怠感 I feel so fatigued that I can barely get out of bed.


Muscle Aches 筋肉痛 I have muscle aches all over.


Watery Eyes 涙目 My eyes are watery and irritated.


Loss of Appetite 食欲不振 I’m experiencing a loss of appetite and don’t feel like eating.


Mild Fever 軽い発熱 I have a mild fever, but it’s not too high.


Coughing Up Phlegm 痰を伴う咳 I’m coughing up phlegm and it’s quite thick.


Hoarseness 声のかすれ My voice is hoarse from all the coughing.


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