

英語で自分の既往歴(Medical History)を伝える際に困らないように、病院でよく使われる単語を厳選しました。海外での医療対応もこれで安心です。

英単語 日本語訳 例文
Hypertension 高血圧 The patient has a history of hypertension.
Diabetes 糖尿病 He was diagnosed with diabetes 10 years ago.
Asthma 喘息 She has had asthma since childhood.
Stroke 脳卒中 He had a stroke two years ago.
Heart Attack 心臓発作 She suffered a heart attack last year.
Cancer がん His medical history includes skin cancer.
Allergies アレルギー Do you have any allergies to medication?
Surgery 手術 The patient had knee surgery five years ago.
Kidney Disease 腎臓病 She has a history of chronic kidney disease.
Liver Disease 肝臓病 His father passed away from liver disease.
Thyroid Disorder 甲状腺障害 She takes medication for a thyroid disorder.
Epilepsy てんかん He has been managing epilepsy with medication.
Tuberculosis 結核 The patient had tuberculosis as a teenager.
Depression うつ病 She has a history of depression and anxiety.
Anemia 貧血 He was diagnosed with anemia last year.
Arthritis 関節炎 She has suffered from arthritis for many years.
Osteoporosis 骨粗鬆症 The patient was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis.


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