日本語 | 英語 |
鳴き | Calling |
鳴き牌 | Called tile |
チー | Chow |
ポン | Pung |
カン | Kong |
暗槓 | Concealed kong |
明槓 | Exposed kong |
カン宣言 | Kong declaration |
ロン | Ron |
ツモ | Tsumo |
リーチ | Reach |
ドラ | Dora |
赤牌 | Red five |
ウマ | Uma |
オーラス | Last hand |
供託点棒 | Dead wall |
テンパイ | Ready |
フリテン | Friten |
リーチ棒 | Reach stick |
ドラ表示牌 | Dora indicator tile |
河 | Discard pile |
河底摸月 | Winning on the last tile drawn |
河底撈魚 | Winning on the last discard |
ノーテン | No points hand |
役 | Yaku |
役満 | Yakuman |
聴牌 | Waiting hand |
手牌 | Hand |
局 | Round |
半荘 | Hanchan |
一局戦 | Single round match |
東 | East |
南 | South |
西 | West |
北 | North |
風牌 | Wind tile |
自風 | Player’s seat wind |
場風 | Round wind |
喰いタン | Tanyao (all simples) |
断么九 | Terminal or honor in all sets |
一盃口 | Pure double chow |
三色同順 | Mixed triple chow |
三色同刻 | Mixed triple pung |
対々和 | All pungs |
混全帯么九 | All honors and terminals |
七対子 | Seven pairs |
大三元 | Big three dragons |
小三元 | Little three dragons |
混老頭 | All terminals and honors |
緑一色 | All green |
清一色 | All honors and one suit |
国士無双 | Thirteen orphans |
大四喜 | Big four winds |
小四喜 | Little four winds |
字一色 | All honors |
九蓮宝燈 | Nine gates |
天和 | Heavenly hand |
地和 | Earthly hand |
海底摸月 | Winning on the last tile drawn from the dead wall |
河底撈魚 | Winning on the last tile discarded by the other players |
立直 | Reach declaration |
一発 | Ippatsu |
嶺上開花 | Winning on a kan |
搶槓 | Robbing a kong |
ダブル立直 | Double reach declaration |