
ネイティブが自然に使う表現『We click』『Spill the beans』など、直訳ではわからない本当の意味を解説します!

英語フレーズ 実際の意味 例文
We click 相性がいい、


We clicked right away and became good friends.


Break the ice 場の緊張をほぐす、


The joke helped break the ice at the meeting.


Hit the books 一生懸命勉強する I have to hit the books tonight for my exam.


Piece of cake とても簡単なこと The test was a piece of cake.


Spill the beans 秘密を漏らす He accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party.


Bite the bullet 辛いことを我慢して乗り越える     I had to bite the bullet and tell her the truth.            


Under the weather 体調が悪い I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I’ll stay home.


Cut corners 手抜きをする、


Don’t cut corners on this project; it’s important.


Let the cat out of

the bag

秘密をばらす Who let the cat out of the bag about the promotion?


Get cold feet 急に不安になる、


He got cold feet before the wedding.


Pull someone’s leg 誰かをからかう、


I thought he was serious, but he was just pulling my leg.        


Hit the sack 寝る I’m exhausted; I’m going to hit the sack early tonight.


Once in

a blue moon

めったに起こらないこと I only see my cousins once in a blue moon.


Burn the midnight oil     夜遅くまで仕事や勉強をする I burned the midnight oil to finish the report.


Cost an arm and

a leg

非常に高価である This car cost me an arm and a leg!


A van driving down a road in the middle of a field


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