




Facilitate To facilitate means to make things easier and help them run more smoothly. 促進する
Coordinate to coordinate means to arrange for two or more parties (people or groups) to work together. 調整する
Prioritize To prioritize means to deal with things in their order of importance or urgency. 優先させる
Schedule to schedule means to plan for an event (such as meetings, conference calls and deliveries) to take place at a certain time and place. 予定する
Process to process means to put something through a series of actions to achieve a certain result. 処理する.
Motivate  to motivate means to provide a good reason for doing something, or to encourage someone to work harder. 動機を与える
Collaborate to collaborate means to work together with another person or group to achieve a common goal. 協力する
Supervise to supervise means to direct and be in charge of someone or something. 管理する
Document document refers to a paper or computer file. 書類
Budget to budget means to make a plan for the amount of money to spend on something. 予算を計上する.
Negotiate to negotiate means to formally discuss something and come to an agreement. 交渉する
Implement to implement means to effectively start using or enforcing an action or plan. 実行する
Communicate to communicate, which means to pass on information to someone. 伝達する
Recruit to recruit means to find suitable people to work for your company. 募集する
Authorize to authorize means to give approval or permission to someone to do something. 認可する.
Merchandise merchandise simply refers to the products or goods that are bought and sold by your company. 商品
Inventory the items or products you have in stock. 棚卸し
Turnover It may refer to the amount of money your company receives in sales, or the rate at which your company’s merchandise is sold and replaced by new stock. It could also mean the rate at which staff leave your company and are then replaced by new people. 回転率
Distribution the delivery of products or merchandise to your store or business. 流通
Profitability the profit or amount of money gained from your sales or business. 利益


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